I love this video by Bud Caddell talking about Invention Strategy and what he is doing out at Deutsch LA. From a propagation stand point he has this great quote when he talks about brands focusing on the value of a product for the a consumer but now with a networked community we need to think about the value that the consumer has to other consumers.
This is a great presentation from Edward Boches who is teaching a class at Boston University this semester. The insight describes a BBH London campaign that recently broke.
I got a chance to play with the Coca-Cola project Re:Brief that Google did, taking classic campaigns and updating them for the digital age today. The campaign created this video, a social object for me to share with my network.
The video includes these elements:
- The users name - The user location - Clear Coke branding - A video of somebody in Cape Town picking up the coke - A thank you message from that person
These elements were important for me as a user to share it with my friends.
This is a great infographic about Pintrest by MDG advertising. It includes the audience and the brands that are using it agressively. Pin it to Win it!